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The Portrait of a Lady (Centaur Classics) [The 100 greatest novels of all time - #20]
The Portrait of a Lady (Centaur Classics) [The 100 greatest novels of all time - #20] | Henry James
"As Napoleon annexed territories by waging wars, James annexed, in his imagination, the whole of Europe to the American novel." Leon Edel "James's critical genius comes out most tellingly in his mastery over, his baffling escape from, Ideas; a mastery and an escape which are perhaps the last test of a superior intelligence. He had a mind so fine that no idea could violate it... He is the most intelligent man of his generation." T. S. Eliot "I read it all. And I wept too." Robert Louis Stevenson "The Portrait of a Lady is entirely successful in giving one the sense of having met somebody far too radiantly good for this world." Rebecca West "The greatest American novelist." Harold Bloom "The Portrait of a Lady" is the most stunning achievement of Henry James's early period in the 1860s and '70s when he was transforming himself from a talented young American into a resident of Europe, a citizen of the world, and one of the greatest novelists of modern times. A kind of delight at the success of this transformation informs every page of this masterpiece. Isabel Archer, a beautiful, intelligent, and headstrong American girl newly endowed with wealth and embarked in Europe on a treacherous journey to self-knowledge, is delineated with a magnificence that is at once casual and tense with force and insight. The characters with whom she is entangled the good man and the evil one, between whom she wavers, and the mysterious witchlike woman with whom she must do battle are each rendered with a virtuosity that suggests dazzling imaginative powers. And the scene painting in England and Italy provides a continuous visual pleasure while always remaining crucial to the larger drama.
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Portrait of a Lady | Henry James
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So much melodrama, so little resolution.

shawnmooney Thomas Hardy is said to have said of Henry James‘s fiction, “He chewed more than he bit off.” 😂😂😂 1mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
Nebklvr @shawnmooney I haven‘t read Hardy but he seems a very perceptive fellow. I thought I remembered James was not a personal favorite of yours. 1mo
Nebklvr @dabbe Too many pans lately😩 1mo
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Once I got used to James's sentences, this was a really engaging and infuriating read! If Gilbert Osmond was a real person, I'd fistfight him in the street. I stuck around for Isabel, Ralph, and Henrietta. Really felt like I was in expat society! #classics

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Thoroughly enjoyed this chunkster on audio. My first Henry James! I was impressed with his tackling the constraints on a young woman‘s independence in his era. I loved the writing, the gentle irony, the perceptiveness, the really thorough dissection of motivations and psychology. So much is shown in conversation, each strictly moderated by convention. Complicated villains, complicated victims - I was held in trance.

Ruthiella Great review! It‘s on my list, even though Henry James kinda intimidates me. 😥 2y
CarolynM I‘ve only tried Henry James once, and I had to stop because I couldn‘t understand what he was saying. There were literally whole sentences that made absolutely no sense as far as I could see. Your review makes me think I should try this one. The one I tried was 2y
Centique @Ruthiella @CarolynM it‘s hard to compare when you‘ve listened to the audio - but I didn‘t find it any worse than Dickens or Hardy? There were a couple of words I had to double check along the way though! (edited) 2y
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Centique @CarolynM I‘ve just seen that Edith Wharton described his later works as incomprehensible! Apparently his sentence structures got much more complicated and take a ton of concentration. This book i read is one of his early works so its much simpler! 2y
Ruthiella @CarolynM That was my experience with The Wings of the Dove too. And I‘d already seen the movie! I had better luck with Daisy Miller. @Centique I‘ve not been brave enough to tackle Hardy yet either-only there I‘m more worried about it being depressing. 😅 (edited) 2y
Centique @Ruthiella I really liked Return of the Native but it was a little depressing. I haven‘t tackled Eliot yet or Thackeray and I bailed on Dostoyevsky ….. there‘s a ton I need to read! 2y
CarolynM @Centique @Ruthiella Not just me, then - that makes me feel better😆 I‘ve never managed to get in to any Dickens novel (I have tried a few) but I don‘t find Hardy difficult - I loved The Mayor of Casterbridge and Far from the Madding Crowd 2y
Centique @CarolynM @Ruthiella I need to read those then! Also Gaskell and Trollope. Such holes I have! I‘m about 5 novels away from reading all the Dickens. 2y
Ruthiella @Centique @CarolynM I adore Dickens and Trollope. ❤️ But I have plenty of other classic authors I need to try (like Hardy) or I want to read more than just one book (like Eliot). 2y
CarolynM @Centique @Ruthiella I loved the 2 Trollopes I‘ve read and I want to read more. I bailed on Mill on the Floss, and, in spite of wanting to read it, I‘ve never felt ready to start Vanity Fair. 2y
Centique @CarolynM @Ruthiella looks like I should definitely prioritise Trollope 😍 2y
CarolynM The first Barchester novel, The Warden, is quite short - much less intimidating 😆 2y
Ruthiella @Centique I think you will love Trollope too. He does this thing where he addresses the reader and it gets me every time. Like he and I (and @CarolynM ) are in on the same secret. And while he is not infrequently anti-Semitic in his attitudes and portrayals, he does at least write complex, believable female characters. 2y
Centique @CarolynM @Ruthiella always good to start with a shorter one 👍 2y
batsy Lovely review! I've only read two of James's shorter works (Washington Square & The Turn of the Screw) & really enjoyed both. 2y
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Portrait of a Lady | Henry James
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I got the Penguin Classic edition (feel like these are usually the best bet for James) but I thought it was beautiful with a few holes — LIKE WHY DOES ISABEL EVEN MARRY OSMOND #HenryJames

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#FallTreasures @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
Prompt: Pocket Book

The top book (tagged) is the smallest book I own. It is just 5 × 4. It will fit in most pockets with room to spare.

Eggs Perfect 👌🏼 3y
TheSpineView @Eggs 👍📖📚 3y
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Portrait of a Lady | Henry James

Gilbert Osmond is the greatest villain in all “Victorian” literature. Why is it so much fun watching a snake gobble its prey? Why is James so obsessed with renunciation? Why doesn‘t Isabel poison the b&$@rd and move to Monte Carlo?

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"And remember this, that if you've been hated, you've also been loved." --The Portrait of a Lady, Chapter 54

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Portrait of a Lady | Henry James
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Fourth try to finish this is audiobook. I think I might have found the perfect place to listen to it.

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How old do you think I look? I‘m just wondering. If you know, please don‘t say.

CouronneDhiver Ha! I‘m horrible at this kind of guessing. No way 🙈 5y
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Portrait of a Lady | Henry James
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The April - June #QuarterlyRead in #1001Books is this quiet character driven #classic.

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“Under certain circumstance there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.”

I‘ve not read the book, but am familiar with this opening line.

#litsyclassics #tea

batsy Mmm... Agreed! 6y
Cathythoughts I havnt read Henry James in decades. I really want to go back now ... 👍🏻❤️ 6y
EvieBee One of the best first lines ever! Just picked this up as my slow and steady book. 2y
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"Yes, that's the bore of comfort," said Lord Warburton. "We only know when we're uncomfortable."


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I tried reading "The Mysteries of Udolpho" on the Serial Reader app, but I wasn't feeling it. I may pick it back up at a later date. For now, I will be reading "The Portrait of a Lady" by Henry James.

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I was actually surprised at how few pink books I have. I don't think my shelf is as colorful as I would have expected. #thinkpink #JuneItsElectrifying

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Money and love are two very strong components in both books, but in opposite roles for Mrs Osmond ...

#HeyJune #CantBuyMeLove

Cinfhen Lovely covers!! 6y
Simona @Cinfhen I‘m shallow, I‘m cover buyer 🤭🤫 6y
writerlibrarian Fab covers. 6y
GypsyKat So pretty! 6y
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“Under certain circumstances there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.” #7of365 #bookcover #openingline #dumbledwarf

Cathythoughts Just got this one on my kindle for a reread ... ❤️ 6y
Joanne1 A sentiment I completely agree with! 6y
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Ritratto di signora | Henry James

Cosa fa Isabel Archer per salvarsi? Vuole davvero uscire dal labirinto? Un romanzo in cui H.James ti spinge a chiederti : l 'uomo sa cosa farsene della propria libertà ?

Consigliato a chi pondera le scelte che compie, a chi accetta un consiglio , a chi LIBERAMENTE sceglie di farsi guidare affinché sappiano che fanno la cosa giusta!

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Problems from the #balls


CrowCAH Oh wow, never thought of the spurs ruining the dresses! 😳 7y
Simona @CrowCAH I know! I have never seen that before in the stories. 7y
readinginthedark Well, they never talk about all the gunk those dresses probably picked up in the street, either, so who knows what else was going on? (edited) 7y
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LeahBergen This is so interesting! 7y
Simona @readinginthedark Apparently - a lot ... 7y
Simona @LeahBergen Interesting for 🤓 😘 7y
Lindy The main danger to my frocks comes from thorny shrub roses. Okay, so they are tshirts & trousers, not frocks, but still. @LeahBergen (edited) 7y
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She used to read in #secret, she likes her freedom not #money and she is #ModernGirl refusing marriage proposals by wealthy suitors, because she likes her independence and exploring the world, but #WhoDoYouLove at the end Isabel Archer? Let me guess - the wrong guy!?!

#quotsyjan18 #150PnPCoverParty #FierceFeb #HeartsAndHardCovers

Cinfhen Well played 🙌🏻and I spy some Israeli tea & chocolate in a nice mug 💋💋💋 7y
CrowCAH Love how you incorporated all the challenges in one! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Good one!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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LeahBergen Well done!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Simona @Cinfhen You are good at spying❣️ Well, you know ... just casual bragging with my new favorite mug 🤩... chocolate was unfortunately the last one (tomorrow I will eat healthier, I promise) and I‘m drinking passion fruit and mango tea, which smells and tastes divine ❤️❤️❤️😘 7y
Simona @CrowCAH @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @LeahBergen Thanks to the Henry James and his multi-faceted story 😘 7y
Cinfhen 😘😘😘 7y
Simona @rubyslippersreads Thanks 😘One book for all occasions 😚 7y
batsy You're a photo challenge genius 😘 Great choice, I MUST read this. 7y
MrsMalaprop You have my mug 😍. Oh & awesome book/photo challenging 👍. 7y
Simona @batsy Thanks, I‘m going to use this book for a lot of challenges in February... it‘s a challenging book 7y
Simona @MrsMalaprop Thanks 🙏 I very much enjoy drinking from it ❤️ 7y
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Some serious preparations for reading the sequel - John Banville‘s Mrs Osmond

Moray_Reads Oh, I didn't realise this was a sequel! I love Portrait of a Lady 7y
rubyslippersreads Great cover! 7y
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Simona @Moray_Reads Yes it is, and his advice is to read/reread Portrait before his book. Interview with Banville https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DP2lfNzXGow 7y
Simona @rubyslippersreads Almost all of books in this collection have a great covers. 7y
batsy Nice! I've been putting off reading James's long novels.. 7y
batsy Meant to add "I look forward to your review" before I accidentally hit send ? 7y
Simona @batsy Of course, I will let you know how I feel about this long novel 🧐 7y
Libby1 I‘ll be doing the same thing! Eventually. I received Mrs. B for a gift but haven‘t yet read Lady. 7y
Simona @Libby1 It isn‘t absolutely necessary to read the Portrait first, because you get the back story in Mrs Osmond and this story continues from the point where Portrait is finished... but my recommendation is - to read the Portrait first, because you will get more rich reading experience😘 7y
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@Liberty is hosting an amazing giveaway! The best book that I‘ve read this year is The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James, can‘t say enough lovely things about it 🖤 #THEWALLSARECLOSINGIN

Cathythoughts Loved Portrait of a Lady. Might be time for. Re read. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 7y
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Happy birthday @TheWordJar ! I turn 40 in April so I‘m right there with you and loving all the responses to your giveaway. I guess my advice is to remember that age is only a number. I‘m glad to leave my 30s behind but it‘s society‘s tropes and the stigma associated with 40+ women that get me down. Enjoy life to the fullest!
Tagged book has long been my favourite but I need to reread as I think my sympathies may have changed🤔

TheWordJar I‘m honestly looking forward to the 40s. I‘m pretty sure I was born as a 40 year old, so really my age is just catching up with me! And great book rec! I‘ve only read The American by Henry James, and I really enjoyed it. Time to check out this classic! Thanks for entering! 7y
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Damn. 5⭐️. The Portrait of a Lady is a truly remarkable book. I read for the purpose of every now and then finding a story that I love as much as this one. Adding a new novel to my all-time favorites list is magical, but so rare. Isabel Archer will stay with me forever. (And I‘m finished with my first book for #litsyclassics - Middlemarch is next!)

Carissa-Green-Reads I agree - one of the best of all time 7y
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Oh, Isabel 💔. #litsyclassics

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Let‘s go 2018!! I‘m looking forward to so much reading, including #litsyclassics 😊

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This book is just so remarkable. Every paragraph is beautifully written. Henry James❤️

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Uh, Henry James could certainly write a sentence.

Michael_Gee 🤔 7y
Centique Yeah. I had to read that three times. My brain might be too soft for this - but it‘s on my TBR for next year so fingers crossed! 7y
LitLogophile I‘m almost sure that I understand it 😂. @Centique — but never fear, the novel overall is brilliant and very readable, with the occasional one of these doozies thrown in (edited) 7y
Centique @LitLogophile thanks! I feel James is a big gap in my reading so the encouragement helps 😃🙃 7y
LitLogophile I‘ve never read him either and I‘m absolutely in love — would highly recommend ❤️ @Centique 7y
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Portrait of a Lady | Henry James
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Always like to see passages about readers in excellent books. 👌🏼📚

Jgaiser145 A beautiful passage about a beautiful activity! Books about books and readers are pure ❤ 7y
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Portrait of a Lady | Henry James
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Congrats @GondorGirl !!

One of my favourite first lines is from The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James.
“Under certain circumstances there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.”


GondorGirl What a great choice! 7y
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🎩a veneer of aristocratic charm
🎩concealing an evil soul
🎩nostalgic for the past
🎩extremely proud of his heritage/ancestry
🎩bent on world domination

Well, I have to admit that makes me think of Hitler more than anyone else. 😡 But if you omit the world domination bit, I think that George Osmond from The Portrait of a Lady fits. He's all show of good taste beneath what is truly the most banal of evils. #monstermadness2017 #dracula

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A few of my prettiest #red books. #30daysofreadathon @DeweysReadathon

ValerieAndBooks Lovely! Red is my favorite color ❤️ 7y
merelybookish Very pretty! 7y
LeahBergen Beautiful! 7y
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Quick question. Does anyone who uses the app Serial Reader have their account synced up with their Goodreads? For some reason my book that I'm reading on it is not synced up, even though both Serial Reader and Goodreads settings say they are.

SerialReader Could you write to me from within the app (Settings > Leave Feedback)? Thanks! 7y
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Portrait of a Lady | Henry James
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Look: a Henry James postage stamp. "Portrait of a Lady" is one of my all-time favorites. (Also I still can't get those eclipse stamps to work.)

Portrait of a Lady | Henry James

Arrgh! Mum's listening to the radio outside & it's the final part of a dramatisation of The Portrait of a Lady. I've had to come upstairs as it's still on my TBR & I don't want any spoilers!

LauraBrook It's one of my favorite books - I hope you like it whenever it tops your TBR mountain! 7y
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I managed to get quite behind on my serial reads which wasn't very good. I was well over a week behind. However, I have now managed to catch up 😀 definitely not gonna let myself get behind like that again #serialreader

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So I decided to download the Serial Reader app after seeing so many people on here using it. I have to say I quite like it actually. Now the problem is, is do I just read one book at a time on here or do I download more? Hmm 🤔 #serialreader

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I've been reading this one for AGES because I never gave it the benefit of just committing to it 100%, but I enjoyed it as I read it. Surprisingly engaging with distinct characters--which really just goes to show me i shouldn't be so hesitant to read "old" books

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Opening line: "Under certain circumstances there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea." #theportraitofalady #henryjames #penguinbooks #book #bookish #bookgnome #firstline #bookcover

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"I am sure she has all her life lived in a boarding house, and I detest the style of manners that such a way of living produces. "
Mrs Touchett, The Portrait of a Lady.

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Enjoying this book so far. Only 43 pages in though. Isabel is relatable mainly because she is bookish. Heh. #loveheralready #Europeanvacay #Henryjamesisinteresting #classics

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Henry James knew how to write a #moneygrabber. Gilbert Osmond and Madame Merle immediately came to mind for this prompt.
#lyricalapril @Cinfhen

Moray_Reads Good choice! Loved the book,. 7y
Cinfhen Nicole Kidman looks stunning 💖haven't read this classic...hopefully one day soon. 7y
LauraBrook Great call! This is one of my favorite books, and one of my favorite movies too. Nicole did an excellent job! Plus, the soundtrack is amazing too - hmm, maybe I should save the new Dr Who episodes and rewatch this instead... 7y
merelybookish @LauraBrook It made me want to watch it again too. I don't think I've seen it since it originally came out in the 90s. 7y
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Portrait of a Lady | Henry James
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35.) 22 April 2016-7 May 2016; $2.00

"[Ralph] thought a great deal about [Isabel]; she was constantly present to his mind. At a time when his thoughts had been a good deal of a burden to him her sudden arrival, which promised nothing and was an open-handed gift of fate, had refreshed and quickened them, given them wings and something to fly for."

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Her reputation for reading a great deal hung about her like the cloudy envelope of a goddess in an epic.

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